
Action verbs

. - If you are trying Verbo in the variable sense that denotes action ("to carry", "to read"), occurrence ("decomporsi", "to spark"), or one be of the being ("to exist", "living", "to be"). Of continuation the norms are listed of. The various modalities with which an action can happen come yields with the various oral ways. They are the seven ways of the Italian language. Ended ways are called therefore because their desinenze define always one person (, before second or a third) and number (singular or plurale). It is the way of the truth, of the emergency, the certainty), calls to you therefore because they do not have need of a verbo. It is the way of the possibility, desires, the opinions. It is the way of the actions that happen to one given condition. It is the way of the demands, the orders, of invites. It has only the second person (you and you) and a single time. Some grammars contemplate a future imperative of all the identical one to the simple future of the indicative. These ways do not allow to identify the person and the number (made exception for the participio, in which the singular one from the plurale can be distinguished).), but it can be used also like main verbo in order to indicate orders, desires, etc (p. Of it exist the time present ("to reflect") and last ("to have riflettuto"). and, for this, it can indicate the number sometimes and also the kind (p., the participio eaten indicates feminine a singular one). It is used with the auxiliary verbos in the construction of the composed times. It has two times, the present ("reflecting") and the past ("riflettuto"). It is used in the subordinate clauses in order to express a sure type of relationship with resisting. It has two times: the present ("reflecting") and the past ("having riflettuto"). second (- ere), the composed one for the greater part from irregular. the verbos to be and possession have one own coniugazione. Three ways exist to conjugate the verbos: in order to express an action completed from, the verbos in the active shape are conjugated. The reflecting shape in its turn can be:. appearing: the particles me, you, us, do not carry out you the function of complement object, but of ("Piero dry up the hats" = "Piero dry hats to himself", where "the hats" are the complement object and "" = "to himself" it is the term complement). mutual: the action is completed and endured scambievolmente from two subjects ("Piero and Carl greets" = "Piero greets Carl and Carl greets Piero"). Attention: some verbos have a pronominale shape that is similar to that reflecting one but it enters not there at all: the particles me, you, us, make part you of the same verbo. As an example, "pente Piero" does not mean "pente Piero if same": in fact "to repent" it is a verbo that has the pronominale shape. The verbos that faithfully follow the model of the own coniugazione are said regular. The tables of the coniugazioni of the regular verbos are found. The difettivi verbos are those verbos that totally lack some oral voices or entire times to use (use, use, used, are usual. to urge (urge, urge, urged, will urge. to concern (concern, concern, concerned, will concern. to vigere (vige, vigeva, vigerà, enforced. to compete (compete, competed, will compete, competent. to tangere (tange, tangeva, tangerà, tangent. soccombere (soccombe, soccombeva, soccomberà, soccombente. to dirimere (dirime, dirimeva, dirimerà, dirimente. the overabundant verbos are those that, maintaining the same one meant, have two various desinenze for the present infinite and therefore belong to two various coniugazioni. The classic example is that one of the verbo to starnutare/starnutire. Attention, but: some verbos are apparently overabundant, because the two shapes have mean to you various. As an example, to redden wants to say "to render red", while to blush it means "to become red". The verbos are preached to you that have independent meaning, forming what in. Those verbos are copulati to you that do not have independent meaning and that they acquire it alone in presence of an adjective and/or a sostantivo. The copulativo verbo for excellence is being, than, when it comes joined to the name or the adjective (nominal part), comes defined copula. "He was a navigator" comes defined preached nominal, "he was" is the copula and "a navigator" is the nominal part. Also other verbos can be copulati to you (to seem, to appear, to grow, to turn out, to become, etc.) when they have need of a name or an adjective in order to complete theirs meant. If you said "Pierino has become", that would not have sense. "the great" word completes the meant one, for which it says that it is Is from noticing that second some grammarians us solo to be is from considering itself like a copulativo. They are verbos copulati to you also: to seem, to seem, to become, to become, to be born, living, to die, to go, etc. They can moreover resist a predicativo complement of the subject, but only if it conjugates to you in the passive shape, the verbos: _ named to you: to nickname, to call, to say, ecc.(es:la city of New York is nicknamed the "Great Apple") _ elective: eleggere, to create, to name, ecc.(es: My uncle has been elect mayor) _ estimated to you: to judge, to believe, to name, etc (es: The culprit was judged innocent) _ effetivi: to make, to render, etc (es: That author has been rendered celebre from its first novel) is a particular case, in which the verbo to be takes the meant one to exist. A verbo is transitivo when the action "directly journeys" on something or someone. in other words, when the verbo can resist one. The verbo "to direct", as an example, is transitivo because a complement resists object like "a company", "an orchestra", "the traffic", etc. The verbo "to swim", instead, is intransitivo because a complement cannot resist in some way object. Some transitivi verbos, in sure cases, can have intransitivo meaning. We can say: "Piero reads the daily paper", but we can only say: "Piero reads", in order to say that it is engaged in the activity of the reading. Analogous it can be said: "Baglioni sings This small great love", but if we remove the complement object, Baglioni remains "sings", that it means that the activity of Baglioni is to sing. ("Living" and "life" have the same root. (Between "crying" and "tears" there is a meant nexus of. the verbos that indicate atmospheric conditions or other natural events: piove, tuona, it hails, it snows, it dawns, ago warm, etc. the verbos constructed from the particle and the third singular person of the verbo in issue: "it is eaten well from these you leave", "Usually is not studied gladly". Other verbos are improperly impersonal because their subject is an entire one. the verbos that indicate necessity, accadimento, appearance: "sùbito Must leave", "Happened that franò the mountain", "Seemed that all it was perfect". the formed locuzioni to be, to go or to be, followed from an adjective (are right, are necessary, are beautiful), from a sostantivo (are hour, are time) or from an adverb (go well, are badly). The verbos to be and to have use in the formation of the voices of the times composed of all the other verbos: in these cases they are said (because they are of aid for the other verbos). In case of doubts, it is however better to consult the dictionary. Literally they "serve" to other verbos in order to enter in the specific one. The verbos you serve them of the Italian language are: it must, to be able, to want, to use, to know, to prefer, to wish, to dare. The fraseologici verbos (or aspettuali) are those that, places before a verbo to the infinite, of it specify a temporal aspect. Some example: to be about itself to, to be for, to begin to, to put themselves to, to persist in, to continue to, to stop of, to end of, etc. A particular fraseologico is that format the verbo to be followed from the gerundio ("is going to Ventimiglia"). The verbos caused to you indicate that the action is caused from the subject, but that it does not complete it he directly. I swear to have said the truth, I promise to come to more soon, Deny every thing are all examples of performativa function of the verbo. Other verbos that to the first person of the indicative present assume performativa function are as an example: to say, to admit, to assert, etc. Last modification for the page: 16:41, 22 feb 2008. All the witnesses are available in the respect of the terms of.

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