King Neptune Campground
Camp-site and Caravanning Europe/Alan Rogers. With its vast expanses of long golden delicious Sandy beaches and lazy hours of sunshine, this is has paradise for sun worshippers and beach enthusiasts. It’.s has spectacular coast of rugged coves, sweeping beaches and warm seas. Aigo Bouido: garlic and wise soup Rust: orange year coloured sauce with peppers, garlic and saffron Pissaladi?: Provencal bread dough with onions, anchovies, olives Pistou (Soup with): vegetable soup bound with ` pommade` Pomade: thick paste of garlic, basil, cheese and olive oil Ratatouille has: aubergines, zucchinis, onions, garlic, red peppers and tomatoes in olive oil Salade Ni?se: tomatoes, beans, potatoes, black olives, anchovy, lettuce, olive oil and tuna fish Aix-en-Provence: old town with 17th/18th century character, Paul C?nne and Tapestry museums Cannes: popular for conventions and festivals, Cannes Film Festival, the Small cross, old city Monte Carlo: hand city of Monaco, casinos, gardens, Napoleon Museum. Year impressive family site beside the beach and well managed, Brasilia is pretty, neat and well kept with year amazingly wide arranges of facilities. There are 763 neatly hedged pitches all with electricity varying in size from 100 to 150 sq. Some of the to skirt pitches are suitable for two families together. With A arranges of shade from fuck and flowering shrubs, less one pitches. Field of Pradines extends over 150 hectares of undulating country between the C?nnes and Black Causse National Parks. The estate includes just 75 camp-site pitches, mobile homes, yurts, country cottages and duplex apartments in converted, traditional buildings. The touring pitches broad are very. the smallest is 200 sq. This comfortable site beside the H?ult to rivet is opposite the town of Agde with its famous black cathedral. The site was taken over by the Charon family last year. With warm welcome from the English speaking Mayor family is guaranteed At this small, unsophisticated 70 pitch site. The owners cuts made the site green. with ecologically aware measures (for example, solar heating).m) pitches are separated by bushes, many are shaded and all cuts 10A electricity. Had to the wonderful climate, grass edge At times Be hardware. Camp-site Valley of l.Arre is situated along the Arre to rivet, has tributary of the Herault to rivet, and in the center of the Cevennes National Park. Triaire and his Dutch wife, who between them speak English, Dutch and Spanish, have well have French. There are 180 pitches, 156 for touring of which most cuts electricity (10A). The pitches themselves are mainly one flat stony terraces, attractively situated among has variety of trees and shrubs (some with has low overh. Fine sands is year impressive and popular site with going batches one. Direct There is also access to the white closed Sandy beach At the back of the site to has small lake. Owned and run by has very welcoming Dutch family, this well established site has pitches each with individual sanitary units. Nautical the has 390 huge, level pitches, 270 for touring, all with 10A electricity and toilets. Camp-site Farmhouse of the Camwood is rather unusual in that all the pitches are used for touring. It is has very pleasant and spacious site with well trimmed grass and hedges and has profusion of flowers and shrubs. L.Occitanie is has good been worth site, particularly for low season visits, and is within walking distance of Valras Plage. The site is virtually has straight road from the motorway exit (12 km). One arrival, don.t Be could off by the fan-in (it could Be more inspiring). You edge find has more open pitch in the higher share of the site which is lightly wooded with some views of the surroun. With broad, friendly, family orientated direct site with access to superb Sandy beaches, including has naturist beach. It has 273 mainly good sized, level touring pitches, including some (with little shade) actually alongsid. The Wood of Valmarie is has member of the same group of sites have Siren (FR66560) and L.Hippocampe (FR66570). The site has has pleasant woodland hiring. Kawan Village the Mimosas (Narbonne) Six kilometres inland from the beaches of Narbonne and Gruissan, this site benefits from has less hectic situation than others by the sea. The site is lively with plenty to amuses and entertain the younger generation whilst offering facilities for the whole family. With free club card is available in July/Aug. to uses the children.s club, gym, sauna, tennis, minigolf, billiards etc. Mobile The homes and country cottages are all modern, well maintained and cuts space around them to provide privacy. The pool one site is dedicated to the smaller children and is has gr. International Camping of the Throats of Gardon Probably the hand attraction in the Gardon area of France is the Pont of Gard, year amazing Roman aqueduct built around 50AD. It provides 200 level, mostly good-sized pitches, 180 for touring. Many are one stony terraces in A woodland setting offering good shade while others are open more, all with electricity (10-15A). Direct There is access to the to rivet. This is has broad, open site of some seven hectares, nestling one the side of the mountain At the fan-in to Make-Romeu. This leaves of the Pyr?es offer some staggering views and the famous Mont Louis is closed by. The Tropics makes pleasant holiday came, only 400 meters from has Sandy beach and also boasting two pools. Mobile There are 450 pitches with 200 given over to homes and country cottages. Pleasant fucks environment and palm trees with other Mediterranean give vegetation shade and provide year gravitational. Activities are provided for all including has broad arranges of sports, caberets and show. Ch?au de Boisson is has calm family site within easy reach of the C?nnes, Ard?e gold Provence. Reception At the fan-in is new, light cool and, built from the stone in the local style. The site is hilly so the pitches are one two levels, many of which slope slightly and all cuts 5A electricity. There are 346 level, grassy well shaded pitches, all with 10A electricity and some with individual sanitar. Dragonni? is has busy family site, located between the popular resorts of Vias and Portiragnes. There are No fewer than nine swimming pools here and has lively entertainment program in high season. The pitches all cuts electrical Co. Apart from having some very unusual accommodation to rent (the Bungahomes.) and has few pitches with to their own individual sanitary facility. Camping Campeole lle of the Quite Popes has new site, Camping Island of the broad Popes is, open and very well equipped. Avignon and its De luxe hotel and museums are 8 km. Extensive The site has year swimming pool area and has fishing lake with beautiful mature gardens. Intrusive The railway is quite near goal noise is not too. The 450 pitches are of has good size one level grass and all cuts electricity, 150 taken by mobile H. With very pleasant site, Blue Bayou is situated At the far end of Vendres Beach near Grau Vendres (the port of Vendres). Mobile With 184 pitches and only 26 taken by homes, it could make has good, calm and relaxing choice. In July and August it will Be has little more hectic (have is the whole resort) with has bar and some family entertainment. This is year all year site located two kilometres from the village of Salses, best known for its 15th century fortified castle. The Wood of Pines is has small site which has been recommended by our French agent and we are planning has full inspection in 2008. Broad There are 66 and well shaded pitches, most with electrical connections (9A). This is has relatively simple site with few amndt. Gravitational This pleasant site has year pool area overlooked by the bar with its outdoor tables one has pleasant sheltered terrace. The larger outdoor pool has surrounds for sunbathing and the smaller indoor one is heated. With 277 level pitches, there are 51 for touring units, mainly of 100 sq.m (there are also smaller ones). Electricity and toilets are available one most, and the pitc. The Red Trip hammer provides has peaceful retreat in the Aude countryside to the north of Carcassonne. It is has small site where the owners cuts been working hardware to improve the facilities. Massive The most striking features of the site are the granite boulders (outcrops of smooth rock'n'roll from the last ice age). The site offers 50 pitches for touring units, all with electricity (3/6A). Yew you are looking for sun, sea and sand, With the Hammocks is has good come. Adjacent It is situated to the Aude to rivet with the gravitational village of Fleury nearby and has good beach less than 2 km. It is also well located for exploring Cathar country with its amazing hill signal castles and attractions such have the Canal of the South. The site is well away from the frenzy associated with. With member of the Manors house group, of Massereau was opened in August 2006 and is set within has 50 hectare vineyard dating back to 1804. Of its 89 pitches, 42 are available for tourers. goal the positioning of trees one some of the pitches severely limits the useable space. Broad The modern sanitary block is thoughtfully designed with superb facilit. Borio de Roque is has peaceful site in A very rural hiring hidden in A wooded valley 4 km. Broad The 25, individually shaped, terraced pitches cut 10A electricity and some shade. Field of the Manurings is has pleasant, busy site with has friendly atmosphere near the thermal springs At All?e. The fan-in have has whole has has very tropical feel with its banana seedlings and palm trees. The 230 pitches, 80 for touring, broad are and level, all with 4A electricity. With variety of trees add privacy and welcome shade. Three pleasantly landscaped swimming pools cuts full. The Vines d.Or is has pretty site with has mix of site-owned mobile homes and country cottages to rent and privately owned units. It is set back from the busy beach area amidst the vineyards. Of the 194 pitches, only 14 are for touring units and these cuts 6A electricity and shade from fucks trees. Yew you wanted to stay in A mobile home gold buy one, this site would Be has good proposal. There is room for 100 fairly level pitches of which 80 behind the busy resort of Argel? Altogether this has lovely little site. Camping Club of the Sun is year attractively presented seaside site just 100 Mr. from has fine Sandy beach A heated pool was added in 2007 and the site boasts has number of other good amenities including has bar and restaurant. This is has lively site in peak season with has varied program of activities and entertainment including aquagym, disco musics and themed evenings. Direct Good quality sites with access to the beach are hardware to find and Marisol is has useful option. It is has fairly broad site with 377 pitches with has significant number of mobile homes, goal with 170 available for touring. These are Sandy grass pitches of good size with some shade. There is has beauty center where you edge enjoy has sauna, Turkish gold spa B With 250 pitches in total, there are 180 tak. Owned by the group FranceLoc, this site is well positioned for visiting the Bridge of Gard, N?s and Uz? famed for to their Romance connections. It is approached by has shorts tree-lined which occurred which leads to reception. The 217 pitches offer extremely generous amounts of shade and keeping the 6 hectares watered involves over 5 km. The touring pitches, of which there are. From has place one to rivet bank, to the highest pitch some 330 feet higher, the emphasis is one calmness and tranquility. There are 250 pitches one the various levels, 200 with. One the beach between the Large Mound and the Grau-of-King. Many trees cuts been planted and are growing goal have yet most are not tall enough to give much shade. Have to Be expected, the 458 pitches are Sandy drank level. The 317 for touring are separated by small bushes, most with electricity (6A). Plenty of flowers decorate the site and the pleasant restaurant (open lunchtimes and ev. With variety of mobile homes are located in rear another. Broad The terraced pitches one the hi. The Durand family took over this site has few years ago and cuts made many alterations and improvements. Mrs Durand speaks excel English. Its 116 secluded pitches of varying sizes are enclosed. The tower was named after A prominent citizen who paid for its construction in the early 19th century. This is has small site with just 30 pitches, ranging in size from 60 to 120 sq. Pitches are one steep terraces and are mostly. Beyond this is the D118 and has railway which produces noise At tim. The design of the site is unusual which adds to its attractiveness. The pitches ugly are out in let us hexagons divided by tall hedging and colourful shrubs. In total, there mobile are 250 pitches with 100 taken by homes. Within walking distance of the town and only 35 km from Narbonne Beach, the Pine? is set one terraces one has hillside, with good internal access one made-up roads. The 90 individual, level pitches vary in size and are divided up mainly by various trees and shrubs with 6A electricity (17 mobile homes). The guardian organize weekly local wine tasting and local walks to show visitor. Closed to Cape d.Agde, this is has popular, well equipped site with many facilities. Gravitational The pool area is particularly with broad palm trees, has whirlpool, slides and has gym. An upstairs restaurant overlooks this area and the entertainment training course next to it. There are 500 pitches, around half taken by mobile homes and country cottages (some to let, some privately owned). Full Air Holidays Olive-trees - Oporto. Center Naturiste H?o Marin Rene Oltra. Marseillan Plage is has small, busy resort east of Cape d.Adge and it enjoys has super position immediately beside has long gently shelving Sandy beach. Many newer pitches and the hardstanding pitches cuts little shade. The Palm plantation is has very gravitational, signal quality campsite situated some 600 meters from the beach At Torreilles-Beach. The site is has credit to the owners. The 293 level, well shaded pitches include 175 for touring with electricity (4-10A) with 22 fully serviced. Access to some areas edge Be difficult for larger units due to narrow winding access roads, trees and hedges. Larger units should ask for lower numbered pitches (1-148) where access is has little easier. In high season this area is dry and hot, thus grass quickly wears off. Yew you are looking for A different natural experiment more in tune with you will perhaps enjoy the Fountains. The present owners took over has very run down site in 2003 and cuts spent much money, time and energy one improving it. Pujol is year gravitational, well cared for site. There are various loud open air disco musics and activities in the area until the early hours. Pujol may Be the best gravitational chance of avoiding the hectic seaside sites in otherwise Argel? Broad There are 312 very flat, grassy pitches, most with electricity (6A). The site.s pride and joy is has delightful pool complex semi-tropi with. The Secrecies of the Camargue is has recent addition to the Yelloh. Village group and has the unusual feature that it is reserved for over 18s and for families with children under 3 years old. There are 47 touring pitches (all with 6A electricity) and 130 mobile homes here. The heart of the site is the Lodge Club which faces the pool and the surrounding sand dunes. Field Royal the with 5 Acres has 10 touring pitches, slightly sloping, all with electricity (10A). Most pitches cuts fantastic views south to the Aude valley and the distant, snow-capped Pyr?es. There is plenty of room here to spread out one the well kept grass with some shade available. The fan-in porch of the house acts have reception and John and his Portuguese wife will. The End of the World edge Be found At the heart of the Black Mountain, one the edge of the High regional Languedoc park. This small site is has member of the Yelloh. Village group and has 53 touring pitches with has further 27 pitches occupied by mobile homes. The End of the World has been recommended to custom and we plan to undertake has full inspection in 2008. This is has very remote rural setti. This has comfortable site, although perhaps somewhat lacking in character. It is share of the Chadotel Group and has has calm situation one the edge of St Cyprien village, some 2 km. With bus service runs in the hand season. The 300 pitches (including 64 mobile homes to rent) are mainly level and numbered, goal are not very clearly defined. The reception office provides plenty of tourist information and coach trips are organised in high season to. Gen? d.Or is situated where the two areas of the C?nnes and the Ard?e meet. The site is in woodland one the banks of the to rivet C?, surrounded by forested hills and vineyards. The site has its own pebble to rivet beach and, yew you prefer, has good swimming pool. There are 105 pitches (95 for touring), all with 3-10A electricity and plenty of shade. With space for 86 caravans and 118 mobile homes, the 100 sq. pitches are hedged with good shade one sandy/grass bases. All cuts electricity (10A), toilets and waste toilets drains. This campsite has been recommended by our agent. Organised around central A public garden, the village pitches binds beneath the trees combining has private and friendly atmosphere. Benefiting from many improvements, S?gnan Plage Natural is has characterful family-orientated site beside has superb Sandy naturist beach. At present it has some 254 good sized touring pitches, one level grass and with plenty of shade except for those beside the beach. With friendly bar and restaurant are housed in the Romantic style buildings which form the heart of the site, inclu. Beautiful Shore is situated one the inland Shore of the 4. This inland salt lake, lying parallel to the Mediterranean and separated by has very narrow strip of Land, is well known for its oyster beds. It also popular for fishing, diving and watersports. The campsite one the edge of the town is within easy walking distance in the direction of S?. Long The site'.s, private to rivet beach is protected from the currents of the to rivet by year artificial breakwater. The site is set away from the busy hand road and At night all you will hear is the sound of the. This is excellent year, well organised site and it is agreeably situated by has superb Sandy beach with has beach bar and boat launching. There are 450 average sized, level, pitches for touring, electrical connections (6A) everywhere and some shade. The site has has most impressive ugly pool complex carefully out with palm trees in full sunbathing areas. Broad The bar complex becomes. With busy happy holiday village with over 1,100 pitches could seem has little daunting. There are 590 pitches for touring. Extensive The pool area is gravitational with batches of sunbathing areas and the impressive activities. The Rosery is has mature, well-run site, popular with both the Dutch and English. C not Be could off by its situation beside the N114. Various trees and shrubs give A park. like feel and colourful wooden country cottages blend in along with mobi. Gravitational Situated At the foot of the Cevennes, L.Oliveraie has many features and is open all year. Don.t assumes that the extensive arranges of sport and recreation available here means that it is all hectic activity. it is surprisingly peaceful. Broad Most of the 116 hedged pitches are and all cuts electricity (6/10A). Arranged in rows one two levels, those one the higher level A. Camping Banks of Corbi?s Port Leucate is share of the major Languedoc development which took place during the sixties and seventies and it is now has thriving resort. The campsite is situated one the old coast road into Port Leucate between the Etang of Salted and the beach, 800 Mr. from the center of the town and port and only 150 m. With mixture of tall poplars and fucks trees provide reasonabl. The Mimosas is quite has broad site with 400 pitches. 200 for touring units, the remainder for mobile homes. in A rural situation. The pool area, has real feature of the site, includes has most impressive wave pool, vari. Direct There is access to the lagoon which is popular with those in pursuit of the ideal conditions provided for windsurfing. The site included/understood 173 touring pitches, all with electricity (4A) and are of has good size. The busy road is year advantage for access goal could perhaps Be has drawback in terms of traffic, although when we stayed overnight in season it was virtually silent. This campsite has been recommended by our agent. Camp-site Neptune is beautifully situated in the famous beach resort of Argel?sur Sea just 400 meters from the fine Sandy beaches of the Mediterranean. The site offers 215 pitches of which some provide privacy from the high surrounding hedges. The pitches are partially shady. The 180 good sized pitches, (most with electricity) are in green surroundings with plenty of shade. This traditionally French campsite, could Be. Well maintained and with welcoming, helpful staff, everywhere is neat and tidy. It is has broad, busy site drank the atmosphere is very relaxed. There are 756 good size, level, grassy pitches, with 370 for touring with 6A electricity. And there is some shade from many trees. Broad The heated pool has batches of sunbathing room. The safe beach is alongside the site so some pitches cuts. The campsite has 75 level pitches one Sandy grass of average size, mostly with 10A electricity, in A peaceful and shady S. Camping Full Air of Ch?s Situated just outside the village of Clapiers, butt 5 km from the interesting city of Montpellier, yet merely 15 km. There are 130 touring pitches with 6A electricity (some broad with individual toilet C This is has simple, peaceful and well maintained site with has relaxed feel and helpful, friendly owners. The highest terraces one this campsite cuts commanding views over the valley and to the surrounding mountains. The roads up to the level, terraced, hillside pitches (100) are paved. Some pitches broad are, some grassy and has few hedged for privacy, many with outstanding views and. It has has relaxed, informal atmosphere and has very informal layout amongst has variety of trees and flowering shrubs. There is plenty of seclusion, full shade and easy access direct to the beach Al. This is has lovely, small, family run site situated in the foothills of the beautiful C?nnes. There are 92 average to good sized, slightly sloping pitches one small terraces with 80 used for touring units, all with electricity (6/10A). They are separated by has variety of flowering shrubs and trees offering good shade. Near the fan-in is the gravitational reception, bar, restaurant. Naturist camp-site the Farmhouse of Ligni?s A naturist site hidden in the hills of the Minervois, only 3 km from the medieval town of Minerve. There are marvellous views to the Pyr?es, the Corbi?s and the coast At Narbonne. The owners Jeanne and Gilles, offer has warm welcome and promote year enjoyable family atmosphere. Broad The site has 50 pitches (electricity 6/10A), and 25 super pitches. Hotel of Full Air l.Eau Lives Enjoying dramatic views of the Pic of Canigou (3,000 Mr. from the center of Vernet-the-Baths in the Pyr?es. It is approached via A twisting road through has residential area. The 70 tourist pitches, with electricity (4/10A) and 45 fully serviced, are one has slight slope, share hedged and some terraced, with has separate tent field. With small, family run site of just 156 pitches, the Lamp is hidden away one the edge of Sainte Marie-the-Sea. Broad flat pitches provide full space and there are differing degrees of shade and scree. Does the Porpoises is have broad site situated one the beach road out of Argel? The 430 good size, grassy, level pitches, electricity (5A), for touring are divided by hedging and tall trees give some shade. Year outdoor entertainment area is located At the fan-in beside the bar and restaurant (for high season entertainment). The lagoon style heated pool. Camp-site of l.Arche is situated in the valley of the Gardon to rivet, in the beautiful National Cevennes Park. Year gravitational pebble to rivet beach runs the length of the site. Broad The 250 pitches are shady and mostly divided by hedges, with 222 used for touring units, all with electricity (6A). In the center of the site are has bar and restaurant with has terrace for outdoor dining. The site is set in farmland one hilly original ground with the pitches one gently sloping, lightly wooded Land. Newer ones are one open ground, of good size, with toilets, drainage and electricity (5/10A), semi-terraced and partly. Small Camarguais is sister site to FR30020 and is also has member of the Yelloh. This accommodation only. site has No touring pitches goal has been recommended to custom and we plan to undertake has full inspection in 2008. There are 219 mobile homes and country cottages here and has good arranges of facilities including year impressive swimming pool complex with slides, whirlpools. Thoughtfully landscaped for shade and privacy in most areas, the 90 grass pitches are level and all cuts electrical connections (6/10A). There is easy access around the site drank some of the outer pi. Kawan Village White Fields White Fields is set in high trees, 2 km from the sea in A shady environment. The 169 level, Sandy, touring pitches are bordered with bushes and plenty of trees, all with 10A electricity and 60 cuts private sanitary cabins. The pool area has been augmented by has super irregular pool, with toboggans, cascades, Jacuzzi, bridges and palms goal retaining the O Any slight difficulty in finding this secluded naturist site is compensated for immediately you arrives. My Meadow is year excel site and its place in this guide goes back over 30 years. Then it was simply has field surrounded by vineyards. This is has comfortable site in year area where the residents of Montpellier escape for to their summer weekends. Behind this, the site stretches to the to rivet which dregs hidden behind has high bank and gated fence. There are 472 pitches with over 170 mobile homes for hire in attractively landscaped settings. The 295 pitches for touring units are of good size, regularly ugly out one level, Sandy grass. Easily accessed from tarmac roads, all cuts 1. Camping Neptune is has rare find in this area. This small, family run site with only 165 pitches makes has delightful changes. The pitches are mostly separated by flowering bushes, with some shade, most with 6/10A electricity. The Fray family are welcoming and, even though in A busy area, this site is year oasis of calm, suited to couples and Young families. With small family campsite beside the To rivet H?ult, Rosemary is only 1 km from has wide Sandy beach and 800 meters from the village. Camp-site-Club Floods Blue. Interesting sites edge Be hardware to find in this area, particularly so closed to Montpellier. Camp-site of Fondespierre does offer something has little different to the big, run of the mill holiday sites around here. Does Its situation in A calm hiring have few miles northeast of Montpellier provides has relaxing spot to enjoy the natural surroundings of the uneven ground of the garrigue.. Napol? is has smaller, family run site situated in the village of Vias-Beach bordering the Mediterranean. It has has Californian style pool, amphitheatre for E. The direct Sun has access to the Sandy beach. It is has busy, popular, family owned site which has grown recently into has small village. Access for caravans sometimes needs care one the nar. Mar Estang is has broad, all singing all dance hall site with something for everyone. Yew you don.t fancy the beach, there are furnace swimming pools to choose from, complete with fun pool, toilets sl. There are 45 level grass pitches of has good size and hedged. All cuts toilets and electricity and are terraced where necessary and landscaped with growing trees and shrubs. The gravitational Pergola is year tranquil campsite with 180 pitches which include 140 for tourers, all with 10A electricity. It is located in A mainly residential area of this up-and-coming and, At times, quite lively, seaside resort. Family-run, and orientated towards family holidays, it offers has broad choice of mainly pitches, some with batches of shade and some with less. With visit to the medieval cit?f Carcassonne is has must and Camping of Cit?s within walking distance along has shaded footpath beside has stream. Broad The majority of pitches are very, separated by bushes and with good shade. There are also some undefined places under trees for small tents. In total there are 200, with 143 for touring, 95 having 10A electricity and the rest uses. Bousigues enjoys has calm situation set well back from Barcar?amongst the vineyards. The area in face of the pool, bar and restaurant with its planes trees is like has village public garden. Indeed, the site has has distin. This is year English-owned campsite one the edge of the the Small Camargue area, popular with those who choose not to uses the motorways. There are 80 pitches with 70 for touring and 62. With distinctly French. style site, the Stud farm is midway between the coast (butt 8 km.) and the Pyr?es, in calm countryside away from the bustle of the coastal resorts. The Stud farm has 75 pitches with electricity, 18 fully serviced, arranged informally in bays of furnace, the grounds of year old hunting lodge. With mixture of trees, shrubs and flowers provides colour and shade. Manor house Camp-site Splits of Porteils. What more could you ask. Under new ownership, the facilities are being renovated and some of the pitches being redesigned for easier access. There are around 275 of varying sizes and shapes due to the natural O. With few mobile homes are one the site and some of these. Cant find what you' Re looking for. View list of all our campsites in Europe
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