Im looking at you through the glass lyrics
Tribulations of Lyons A Vancouver - List of the last articles published on hellostephanie. Blog of girl: Jude-To pronounce Djoude. Beautiful known and less known mouths). , while returning, I had this song in the tete (has moments difficileuhs there, but in these moments, to have friends it is very utileuuh). Yesterday evening, I drank last glass with, which flew away this morning in France, finishing his academic year. The evening of yesterday thus etait particuliere. I said myself that today, it is him which leaves, soon Ca will be Ezra, and then another, and then one day, my visa will end. As much to say, that tiredness, and two beers helping, I sailed between the laughter and the few tears. I was to thus join it him and other French in a pub, I etais has the inn with my Australian, and those (finally especially Ezra) have decide to follow me to find the frenchies, which pleased very to me well on, I wish you a very good return in France, same if I know that Ca has being very difficult yesterday evening and this morning. I espere that all will occur well for you over there. Thank you hein, cheer, I quote it: "And benefits the max, Ca passes so much quickly". As I have then explain has Ezra, you start has to know somebody, well papoter, and hop., it is the kind of guy who accompanies back me until A my door has each end of evening, qqsoit the hour. That which holds you your umbrella under the rain. It is that which wants to go to dance every evening and sends sms to you to be on you will come. That which sees the small tear shining with the corner of the eyes and which comes to comfort you in the minute which follows. That which rubs you the back for you rechauffer whereas wears to him a tee-shirt. That which opens all the doors to you, which amene a wine bottle when you invite it has to eat to have less has to go after). It is the guy who wants to divide into sheets my French books after my courses to know what I made. It is the guy who enough in front of my grimaces, my imitations of the tramp has the wooden leg which tries to run (. But never nothing other (* * * hhgdasjh). Then not to melt in front of as much attention and gentiless, is necessary to have the heart well hangs, which is not any more my case. Ezra is the one who comes back in Australia in 10 days. Other photographs of evening CENSORED. if Ca, it is not soliciting for my blog Photo). Sunday, 1:20 PM, second aspirin, second coffee. But initially, I cuts to talk butt my so good goal "ouinnnn" weekend. Friday evening, I finish by ceder has the pressure of Friday evening (forcing), without too much difficulty well is necessary to acknowledge it, and join Charlotte etant of babysiiting), Alex and Laure drinking. the pub of my inn, and, eh eh, my band the Australian ones is it (sign that my decision not to leave risk to be given has later). Quickly, Ezra starts has to launch plays as if one needed Ca for drinking), by adding rules each time has. Bug, jai been able to teach them a trick, if it is not the class. Then, Ca becomes complicated when one starts really has to be. Especially when Guillaume us A tells the following day () which it had said all the evening "To swiiim" to the losers, whereas us, one said. Ca goes hein, one is enough foutu of me when I am arrivee has Vancouver) Bref, the frenchies do not finish returning, me I find itself embarquee by. You will never guess why) on Granville Street, the search for one has limps or there is not 1h of waiting, which is rather difficult follows us, the guy want that I translate because it does not speak English (Canadian who does not speak English, one will have all considering). his french canadian is really really hardware to understand with has big and really strange accent. Approximately, I do not bread large thing, and make large signs with the guy which require of me what he says ". With force to sail of a place has another, one finishes by. 3 hours later, after dance and pizza pie, I come back to my home, with Ezra, my offical bodyguard, and we speak til 5:00 AMNDT fraiche and pimpante to go to give my French course has mon.colombien government, je spends my time has to give it in the right way of the cours.(it speaks much English et.n' arrete not to invite me has evenings salsa."en-all-well-all-honor-hein", or has to propose to me to go to run with me come to the house, blah, I forget my french, I didnt speak french since has long time. Saturday evening, I meet her.to the.Beaver (again). It was her birthday tuesday, so I come with chocolate for her. Same the tablee or almost that day before. Note: To think has to make abdos Tous.les.jours). Pi a friend of Clement has arrived, Corinne., it reads my blog for approximately two months (by seeking blogs on Vancouver, it is arrivee at home), I know to it his depuis.une week, and it had connait Clement for 6 months. Pi after, has there two other French who arrives and I had earlier cross them in Stanley Park 3 weeks. , Ca becomes when same odd this evening (and I do not say Ca because of beer, and owing to the fact that all English are spoken whereas there is almost only of French). To finish, the coloc of Clem' is able, and while papotant with it, I speak to him about my Colombian trainee. And I give it to you in the thousand, it bump with him. In short, any Ca for saying that it is impossible to return in least the nightclub without waiting 2 hours (France also misses me in these moments it). Return has the Beaver box, Ezra returns from the job, and joint has us, thus forcant us has to speak English. Anyway, I really roofing stone my french, and I cant manages speaking french (and maybe, this time, it' S because of the beer too). One ends up finding a pub or one can finally enter. The music is a true happiness for the ears: of the old men. and nobody knows here that in Mardi-Gras, has Tuesday there (. Bodyguard oblige).et decouvre my coloc still upright, well. And veiled us has pleurnicher on our fate of celibataire (and it sucks because He leaves Canada in two weeks, and I will really miss him. My coloc, tell it, I that it has flashe on a guy, Marie - thus has another guy -, and that it is degoute). after to have slept 1h30 the night preceding) photo pourrite, dedicace has Julien and Caro) As me pointed out it my ptite sister, Ca a.fait one month Thursday that I left (. or I have firm the door of my appart, towards 2h of the morning. I had almost not slept the preceding night, and I had master key the day in bags and paperboards, between tears and phone calls of the friends. Evening meal in the parents, odd. I etais retournee at home to finish all buckling, with the impression that I will never arrive there (moreover I left while forgetting full with things has to make, AND my running Any Solomon Ground. The same more force to answer tlephone.tellement I chouinais. I took Gribouille, and I have it amene at Christophe and its chery, effondree (. or presque), il have fallu.tout eteindre, and to leave. The city etait in the fog, it etait so strange, as if I left the city like a robber. The following day, my parents have me accompagnee A. Plus energy to answer, concentree on the fact of not crying while saying goodbye to the parents. One took a ptit dej has the airport (kind click-clac-click-clac, the hour arrives, I cannot move back any more) and it was the hour. I did not arretais to tell me "Bug, this time Ca is there, this time Ca is there. A few minutes later, I saw the face of my parents disparaitre derriere the counters, a girl cries while looking by the port-hole. I have so much cry the last days that my eyes are dry, and especially, it is almost a moral "relief", the bide complement ties but the brilliant eyes of exitation. My visa is aggrafe on my passport, thank you goodbye. But why they is if lourdeuuh (. When I release a bag, the other falls and vice versa. Finally, I join the exit, finds the shuttle which goes in centre town and crosses allemande PVTiste who goes has the same inn that me. And then veiled, I cross the city in the bus, it rained, I am more sleepy. I do not include/understand large thing with the speech of reception of the injury of the AJ, excludes the fact that there are pancakes gratos the morning, history to see a little has what resembles the city, and to adapt me my new time zone has. For my.second night in the city., the first girl I puts here, my first friend in Vancouver), invited me to join her and her friends to the Beaver, the Hostel Pub. Ashton, Ezra, Coleen, Alin, Georgia. It was last month, and the same are always here, Ezra, Coleen, Shelley, Ashton not far. Yesterday night, I was to the hostel again, have often, with the same. I remember the first night, I wanted to go to bed early, and it was 3:00 Pm when I slept. I remember to cuts try to speak english goal to not really understand what they were saying. Ca passes quickly, but what it is well (. And bug, I still do not have eats of good goat's milk cheese (I acknowledge, I think of cracking tomorrow has Granville Market, avec a part of under my first particular French course). Cut fun goal Come Back Today, I wanted to speak about one month ago. Because for the premiere time yesterday, I had the impression to find, those of my equilibre, a part of my cardinal points. Good, it misses the family and the friends (. But I have (re)trouve a little what is in oneself important and necessary for really integrer and to benefit from this adventure has bottom in a new country, a new culture, and "a new" language (because, quoi which one can say, who one maitrise or not the language of the country, Ca empeche not to be the etranger, not to seize all the nuances, etc. For the premiere time this week, I left at home by having the impression to be at home and not a tourist. Not that until A now, I did not feel at home, quite to the contrary, but I do not know. I left and I am say the same things that I said myself has Lyon: "Good, this morning, is necessary that I go has the bank" (finally, I rather said "Pu **** of me**eeuh"), "Hold, the player of failure it is maintaining in my school yesterday evening (mm good the schedules, end of the course 21h30, veiled what is to arrive in full year). Job thus a part of the day, coupee of a jogging malgre a foutu wind, which, oddly (. but good I until A me paindre would not run at the edge of the Pacific), and with the return, That flagstone. whereas I etais.preparee during all the outward journey has what this soit.trop easy with the return. This first course is "well" passes. Lastly, if one puts of dimension the fact that CD of ecoute, support has ALL the course, did not function, and that I have thus to improvise, in English considering they are quasi debutants. Fortunately, has the pause, I have reussi has to put the hand on Cd which functioned. And my 13 adult trainees etaient sympas bloody (and I do not say Ca because they have finds my English "pretty good" - however I had not drunk Note for later: To think has to use has all sauces, Ca seems to be a word pretty well). Fortunately also that Profs are super sympas and have me conseillee. The trick etant nutcase that one of the trainees bump with French with whom I drank glass last week (a researcher in medicine, cousin of a neighbor-quasi-of-the-family of my large parents which drinks glass has my inn for his birthday, but meanwhile I recois a texto from which awaits me to go to dance. Already in France, I adored the plans of derniere minute, then here, you think well. And embarquee veiled me on Granville Street has the search for one of the multiples "limp" (their limp move has 10h PM and close has 1h AM) or the drinks are has 2$ but the entree not too expensive. and capoeiriste).en training course here for six months has invited me to join me and to benefit from drinks has 2$ (. Clement sets out again the next week to finish its year in France Not (. but it is true, with which I will make will capoeira on the beach this ete. But Clem perhaps will return (hin hin).pask its limps him A proposes a TDCI with one mechant wages (which you cannot refuse hein. While leaving, small stage with the pizzaiolo of the corner or we eat two shares of pizza pie for 2$ (. Ezra, certifying to me that the streets are not sour for a girl alone (whereas, mom, Vancouver is the sourest city of America), accompanies back me until A at home by holding my umbrella (salete, goes) that if I include/understand it so well now, it because it speaks more gently, is also done gestures and all. It announces aussi.qu' to me it read my small word for him of English, that promised, it will try to learn French (You will try to lean french.), and that it is necessary that I come to see it in Australia (I will not forget you cuts invited me in Australia. As the ridiculous one does not kill, I thus go retenter the ptit end of English for him. So thank U again, you' Re really has great Guy, you know that. Any Ca for saying that full different people are met, who leave and who return (or not), and it is also Ca the richness of this immigration. A good cake with almonds and the chocolate. Sherif, Make me sound the gong of the house here (it is the fete) the tele, it is a little as a great adventure, a dive in our sympathiques years of adolescence, a surprise has each zapette, of the moments to laugh which you would not have same step dares esperer in your worst. and very full with chains (around fifty). Except that while zappant, I realized that I had several times same the chains, on different channels, hyper practical the morning, OK, y.a of the flashes infos very often, OK, has chains there or y has almost that Si is to announce that the rain returns, that the aviary influenza has attack Europe, and that the Frenchwomen lost in boarder cross-country race (moreover, trick enough nutcase, it is that I saw the race of a Frenchwoman, Julie Pomagaski, against who I had surfe in championships of France has qqs annes there. My coloc etaitsur the bottom, me also when I saw that it had made the OJ. Sex and the city, Friends, Desperate Housewives. it is cut all les.10 mn by. The worst etant than they balance a page of pub has the end, BEFORE the generique one. Being gives that I do not like the pubs (which are in more hyper but really. Except that then, time that I find my chains on the 55, series A already starts again and the spot of following pub is already arrives. Result, I had pass the evenings has zapper to find my series. As much to say that I have arrete zapper. I am zappeuse compulsive with the least spot of pub). chains with full of old films full with chains with an old film. Y has chains which diffuses good old men films with Cary Grant, Audrey Hephburn, etc. Pi there so full with chains which diffuses 25 times I adore, but good god what it is kitch), I pass from there and from best. In Las Vegas, Miami has, has St Etienne, ah not that it does not exist one has especially also fantastic series which I had almost oubliees. Pure moments televisuels, such as the series well americaine or they speaks about God 24/24), or. Y has same one of the principal actors - not the beautiful John Stamos- who is master key in One Man Show here has Vancouver), or. Rosane (with Rosane Barr you recall), or hold you well. When I think that I have leave in France Mac Gyver and the cruising has fun no matter what, what can be worse than Sherif Fais me fear my coloc likes to buy Star). who sells his DVD of Dance has the tele. Carnard-Savage-with-dela-of-the-mountain-Whistler the meeting tupperwouare, the singer of will opera and the poet (pouet). What the hell is wrong with this Guy. Heart frainche goal goes spik inglich. Lemon juice, the norvegien and my basin of traviole Carnard-Savage-with-dela-of-the-mountain-Whistler Carnard-Savage-with-dela-of-the-mountain-Whistler.
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