What Do You Need to Become a X-ray Tech
. Wednesday September 7, 2005 per Philippe di Folco. O?’.individu will find finally atomis?omme it must and transform?n b?il?onsommer while waiting to finish consum?ans the pot of the Great Recycling. Qu’.est this qu’.une donn?strat?que.. How to fight, some guiding principles the premi? r?e is d’.ordre psychological: the parano?est our alli? Yes, we would be wrong not to see l?u’.une passing fancy of some financial goods children?a search for liquidit?ou of easy documentary resources. Not, patient we are not: simply the world is simpler qu’.ils do not want to leave it well para?e. On the surface, the grids d’.acc?au world R? the ones apr?les others close. Does the limit consist of our clean capacit?olont? to draw from this knowledge-mati?s, to?evenir stronger to fight against our r?ication. The deuxi? r?e passes by the secrecy: we are a body alive and thinking and thus?e title, l’.un of the natural pillars of l’.ordre documentary. Let us learn the furtivit?la trick, l’.?appatoire and l’.art of the myst?. To in no case, l’.on cannot force us?ous d?iler. Is the secrecy the salt of l’.anecdote and l’.anecdote d?uit l’.ennui Li? the contingency, fruit d’.une soci? consum?ste impoverished. L’.anecdote pr?de with the new myths. Let us not let the multinationals populate our myths?otre place, them to fill d’.objets without history, d’.objets clean, d’.objets smooth, d’.objets d’.objets. Logos but without the Logos. The troisi? r?e consists of an interference syst?tic of the contingency: this exercise is highly difficult and requires to us an iron journali discipline?. D?lors?ous our acts daily, listels, and we with this intention provide them r??issons d’.un report card. The piles are our friends. The postal letters are slow but s?s. Cinqui?ment, our logic of war?rge. But it will?’.affadissement need s’.affiner in contact with the other members of our condition of r?stant documentary g?ralis?Souvenons we qu’.une bases donn?contr?e by a r?au d?nd with the m? titrate qu’.une bases military. Our silence, our m?is will make it insane. The Net-galaxy "cool" n’.est not.: ?̱.int?or, we assist?’.?rgence and?a stratification of new zones lumpen-prol?ris?. To soften optical fibres, to throw l’.huile on fire?ctric, d?ancher, not to speak, m?er are welcome anti-cool attitudes. "To be cool" to the discursive register n?libertarien belongs. It cannot?e, to in no case, that of the exploit?documentaires. The sph? priv?doit to remain priv? Who obliges you?ous d?iler vis-a-vis with the cam?s, vis-a-vis with the eyes of the world. Who obliges you to?emplir thirty sheets of questionnaires on your food needs. Nobody if not l’.illusion that you?e only in the world, that you need d’.une religion. Ḻ.altruism which guides you?’.instant statement "yes" with the sounder-rapist is a criminal act. Whatever your practices priv?, the hearth, your T?, your body, is open and irr?ctibles spaces. New technologies owe?rgner these universes. You must fight for a?logy of the psych?t of the hearth. Lastly, this logic of war and the parano?suitable, which are constitutive of the libert?L’.un goals inavou?serait to transform the current world into a virtual world, accessible only via carries-r?aux and only to the means d’.unit?de payment. The setting in bo? world and its marketing are effective since July 21, 1969. S’.il is too late for emp?er the manufacture of Magic Box, not s’.en is necessary d’.en to limit and d?urner l’.usage to the profit of the possibilit?e to say to him not. It may be that this Magic Box f?tout simply our brain. These soci?s of contr? donn? world name Vivendi, Lagard?, LVMH, G?rale of Water, ATT, Microsoft, Bertelsmann, AOL-Time-Warner, etc and by extension, any individual who would make himself accessory to l’.une of these entit? These doors are not those of the Paradise. The "magic box" is born but l’.on owes d’.en?anger the?ic pr?stoire. No one cannot oblige you?anger do we v?t?Souvenons it deuxi? r?e.: the secrecy, guarantor of l’.essence of the daily newspaper. Scann?ser?istance, furtively, under cover of s?rit?arrive D?. M? what the world could?e invaded intelligent scanners, m? the informed citizen will know d?ancher. To close the eyes and the ears when l’.agent will require him "for its good" to open them to him. R?anger?ien their chance to transform us into donn?. D’.objets example and d’.actes facilitating the scann?sation of l’.?e.: ḏ.identit?lectronic chart (here, the r?it??sse the SF.: but the authors of SF did not become only truths proph?s which count. Brave New World d’.Aldous Huxley and let us laugh yellow. blood test (our ADN belongs to us but o?a all this blood donn?ratuitement, these placentas, these bodies pr?v?chaque day in hospital medium. interactive t?vision (the push TV is the door open to the chewing gum eyes).. ..les "cookies" offered for each visit of Internet site (one can still say to them not but how much know it. ..tout standard of survey (m? if c’.est sometimes pay?ad libitum. C’.est D? the case for soci?s like Corbis (Microsoft) which num?se more than ten million "d’.objets". The spectrum goes from the colors of l’.arc-in-sky?a key ADN of each one. "Is it still time d’.arr?r.. So only this lumi? l’.ensemble watered citizens. Not, it g?entrepos? between two surfaces num?s?, under keys. Does R?rver l’.acc??a repr?ntation of the world allow the trade of this one and thus ḻ.accumulation of the capital serving?onstituer of the empires propri?anger of Bases of Donn? (BDD). A v?table r?lution of port?universelle parce qu’.ayant the libert?e all for principle, would consist?riser these uses. N’.est it not true that the r?lution in this case pr?s owes d’.?e permanent. "THE REVOLUTION ALL THE TIME SO THAT TIME DOES NOT BECOME GOODS AND US SPECTRA. This kind of cry must have a hundred and fifty years well: Marx n’.?it not another thing in. But no one n’.est proph? in its time. However no one should not s’.interdire give to the others to?oir this qu’.il just believes to see. Do L’.Univers masqu?ar a software layer the multinationals have the d’.aller means quickly and to accumulate donn well? on the world, l’.univers and d’.en r?rver all acc? No the probl? d’.espace-m?anger, of small hands ouvri?s which seize these donn? and transport them in relational spaces. Average the techniques implemented to lock ḻ.information correspond?ne software layer coating the world. "Such qu’.il is" cannot be seen, s’.?anger. We suppose: a whole of mol?les, crystallizations, forms. The world in so much qu’.ensemble of mol?les constitu? a whole of donn implies? that l’.homme can aujourd’.hui interpr?r and ranger/classer in bases. Cabinets of curiosit??ritannica-one-line passing some by Pankoucke and Bescherelles, Bouvard and P?chet, the beautiful concern which tries to name, to inventory, classify, include/understand Nature. Aujourd’.hui Nature r?le ṉ.exist more. M? the children do not seek any more l’.herbe or the sea true. Did L’.espace num?s?ermet d’.installer between me and the world a software layer more and more?isse and verrouill? The repr?ntation of l’.ensemble of the BDD Which says base implies strat?e, protection, militarization of the environments, acc?r?rv?: as many tropes ind?rables. Because the libert?st l’.espace universal: "what is donn? 1 Since l’.ensemble of the world such qu’.il con?t is quantifiable: l’.homme is free of ranger/ordonner these quantit?en bases of donn?.. 2 No one?e human cannot s’.arroger the right?ermer l’.acc??’.une of these bases, l’.une of these donn?. 3 But l’.individu is also free not to transform the world into BDD. It is enough d’.un only individual and d’.un only for d?urner a BDD?on profit, out of tools strat?ques of war for example. "I pr?re better not" allows the "bodies donn? d’.objurer this m?morphose of the world in s?es strange. list of human alive on the Earth..leurs patterns spending hour per list of the patients contamin?par the virus of the type list of the companies having particip?ux diff?nts g?cides during the XXe si?e..le r?rtoire of l’.ensemble of the objects imprim?depuis Gutenberg L’.analyse and the d?yptage of the mol?les constituting the?ments world allows d’.en to draw up the g?raphic?logic and g?tic charts. disappearance of the wild v?tales and animal esp?s disappearance of the wandering human abusive transformation of the min?ux and natural bodies and the d?ets by r?ltant..ḻ.?mination of the communaut?pla?t it spiritualit?u-top of the normative values. Lib?r is needed certain bases and how. Is the world an immense base of donn? but not goods. In lib?nt certain bases of donn? l’.on would condemn the syst? current merchant?ispara?e by reversing the rare/cher report/ratio. Some of these returned bases owe?e to the citizens, to become they-m?s citizen. Returned to the citizens, if l’.on wants, by the means of the r?au. The value d’.usage imports little here: l’.usage, s’.il n’.en is not citizen, condemns?’.exc? with the pressures?’.oppression even?a terror. But the States are not any more the guarantors of the abuses and the d?urnements op?s to?artir of these bases. L’.?cation is done accessory to the d?ves mercantilists of the world in BDD. The laws antitrusts striking certain multinationals will not be enough?riser l’.?n transformer to the world in BDD g?rale. To know: the hacking, the interference, demonstrations, threats of gr.? citizen (day of not-consumption, then week, month. The accomplices whom us sums will sign such acts bus s’.associer?es actions will put a?otre term put in voluntary slavery. It s’.agit well d’.un paradox lib?teur.: the goal n’.est not a free total acc??outes donn? but l’.abandon of the principle m? BDD. It s’.agit thus to take care?roscrire the principle m? of transformation into BDD. For the existing bases, must be posed d’.urgence. ..quel use I will make (o?a d?ser. of it. D?que l’.on returns in contact with another syst?, the principle of contamination officiates. Does L’.individu become a field of donn? exploitable. The goal, one it conna?: to polish the "magic box" which will be able to fight against l’.ennui, disease of civilizations of leisures, civilizations in g?ral. My body n’.est not a factory to?ouir but a space of plays and s?ction. My ADN n’.est not easy to handle impun?nt. I L? and I draw from C? so d’.?apper with classifications and typologies, with the num?s and the rows let us d’.oignons. I do not want to cry: l’.eau is free, the sun is free, d?acer is free. Copyright free on the fundamental goods of l’.Univers. The totalit?e this test has? publi?ux?tions Feel and Tonka. Premi? publication on the Review of the resources September 2002. Writer, researcher and chronicler litt?anger, Philippe Di Folco are n?n 1964 in France. In addition to novels, po?s and tests, lira among its derni?s publications:. Great impostures litt?anger (Writing, 2006).. The biblioth?e id?e of Philippe di Folco NS or the probabilit?’.une alliance with l’.extr? right-hand side Notes on l’.autofiction and the question of the subject "All the individuals form part of large the unit?e l’.esprit pure"
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