Search more over 40.000 of articles from the original, classic Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition. Your email address wants emergency appear on the site. Note, COMMENT May take some time ton approved. At the different times that prevailed or other motive forwards. Whether pertinently with the utilization of Ophir (q.) or the first large journey of the African discovery, by the Phoe ' history of the civilization, does not seem to have been completed volume. 738, for a summary of the German opinion, which was expressed by many authors in a little extensive literature.nicians, which the Red Sea segelt. Herodotus (a remarkable piece of run in 5.) it refers that the Egyptian king Necho of the dynasty XXVIth (C the large colony Phoenician based of Carthage, before 80o B. The Greco Persian wars had remove-divide by Asia in an educated manner opened the larger Asia for the knowledge of Europe. This was one of the few large epochs of the geographical discovery. The Greek, who accompanied Alexander, described the cities and the villages, the products and the aspect of the country with Obacht. Nearchus left the Indus with its fleet, and Anchorage, which is looked for for each night, were carefully noted died, and the fleet became absent-minded, without forming the journey. Seleucus Nicator manufactured the realm Greco Bactrian and continued traffic with India. The Ptolemies in Egypt showed same fear, in order to extend the borders of the geographical knowledge. The second Euergetes and its successor Ptolemy Lathyrus (118115 B.) supplied Eudoxus with a fleet led to the investigation of the Arab sea of all countries of the well-known world, to an active trade by ships and campers. In Africa their realm included Egypt, Carthage, Numidia and Mauritania also. Roman traffic with India particularly led to the extension of the geographical knowledge. This seems to indicate that it too approximately 9° N. 174) seem it that direct communication between Rome and China had already taken place. The large outbreak of conquest Mahommedan in 7. Of the intelligent Arab pieces of run 9. Century wrote accounts of, what it and belongs in the distant countries seen hatten.himself from its larger work messages of the time. It died in 956 and well-known, of the complete ness its overview, as the Pliny of the east. Idrisi, well admits of the Arab geo from the graphic authors -, after he far and far to the half first 12. Century had traveled, agreed in Sicilies, in which it wrote a Abhandlungdescrip, which is from one armillary range tive, which it had designed for Roger II., the normannische king and in this work it all accessible results of the contemporary clearance contained practical way during the darkest period of the middle age. All Northmen not on rapine and deadwoods bent many were calm buyers. Thus it put the journeys of the HandelsUlfsten on recording into the Baltic Sea, including the details of the geography of Germany. This journey of the center 9. Scandinavian buyers got the products from India to England and Ireland. It was the trade with the east, which originally gave value to the city of Visby in Gotland. While things were, the value of this discovery unidentified led. The history of two Venetians, Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, that vague over journeys in the north seas in the end 13. Century reported, is not no more than history to be accepted. The long period of Barbarism, which accompanied the case of the Roman realm and followed, drew in detail to an end in Europe. The Crusades had a favourable influence on the intellectual condition of the western nations. Joannes de Plano Carpini, a Franciscan monk, was skillful the head by one of the missions by the Pope Innocent, in order to designate the leader and the people of the act acre to a better understanding. It reached asiatically the Headquarters of Batu, on the Volga, in February journeys. It was treated with honour and hospitality and decreased/went back over Samarkand and Tabriz, to its own area. The curious representation of the king Hayton was translated by Klaproth. Under these was the Bruderpolo, which acted with the east and visited even Tatary. Marco remained for - the seventeen-years in the service of the large Khan and on many important missions was employed. Except which he learned from his own observation, he collected much information from others regarding is the countries, which it did not visit. The journeys of Columbus (1492=1498) resulted in the discovery of the west islands and of North America, which held the way into the far east, given change a bull, that the famous "line of the demarcation" run from N. The journeys of Columbus and from there Gama Vasco were so important that it is not necessary to exactly describe their results in this place. See COLUMBUS, to CHRISTOPHER. GAMA, VASCO THERE. Many the companion inside of Columbus continued its work. in 1500 the opening of the Amazon reached. In the same year Alonso de Ojeda, accompanies de la Cosa from Juan, from its diagrams we much of the discoveries of the 16. After another back on the eastern side of the gulf of Darien Ojeda decreased/went back to Hispaniola and died there. The soldiers became discontented and deposed Enciso, which was more cosmographer a man of learning and the reached. Seins work on Sumo de Geegrafia, who was printed 1519, are the first Spanish book, which reports on America. Vasco Nunez was beheaded 1517 by Pedrarias de Avila, who was sent, in order to replace him. In the year Panama was created 1519 by Pedrarias and the conquest of Peru by Pizarro followed some year after. The large desire of the Spanish government at this time should find a way to the Moluccas, arranged after the west. For this purpose Juan Diaz de Solis was sent in October 1515, and in Pacific January 1516 he discovered the opening of the Rios de la ocean. It was, however killed by the natives and its ships decreased/went back. In the following year the Portuguese Ferdinando Magalhaes, trusts well-known as a Magellan, before Charles V., in Valladolid, a draft put for reaching the spice islands, through to the west sails. It crossed Arabia von Bahrein after Jidda, crossed the Red Sea and the wasteland to Syene and descended the Nile to Cairo. Its representation was specified at the letter by its dictation. The calm Reign of Henry III. of the olive oil soap is tion., which for the attempts of this prince, who remove-divides diplomatic relations of Spain on the mass to extend is famous. It sent all princes of the Christianity messages and too fastens. In 1403 the Spanish king sent a knight from Madrid, Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, the court of Timur, in Samarkand, distant to. It returned 1406 and wrote a valuable representation of its clearance. Italians continued, important journeys in the east during 15. It referred its adventures to Poggio Bracciolini, secretary to the Pope Eugenius IV. and the representation contains much interesting information. One of the most remarkable Italian pieces of run were Ludovico di Varthema, that left its homeland 1502. It went to Egypt and Syria, and around visiting sake the holy cities became a Mahommedan. He was the first European, who reported over the inside of Yemen. Century approached the time, as the discovery of the Cape of good hope the range of the geographical enterprise to widen should from the study of the geographical theory. The progress of the discovery received an examination on its death, but only during a time. 1462 extended Pedro de Cintra Portuguese research along the African coast and discovered Sierra Leone. Fernan Gomez followed 1469 and opened trade with the gold coast and Diogo 1484 discovered Cao the opening of the Congo. Diaz followed, also, the southern point of Africa, that to round it, called Cape Cabo Tormentosothe of the king Joao Stormsbut II. Payva died in Cairo however Covilhao, after belonged having that a Christian theory in the mountains of Ethiopia governed, penetrated in Abyssinia 1490. the considerable Pacific, which he crossed, without any from its innumerable island it anzuvisieren, grouped. 1521, when it reached the islands Ladrone. Whereupon Magellan continued to the Philippines, and there its career in an insignificant meeting with hostile natives terminated. With Abyssinia the mission of Covilhao led to further traffic. This representation, under which title became description of the kingdom of the Congo, in Rome published by Pigafetta 1591. The most valuable work over Africa over this time is however those, those from the fastening lion Africanus into the early part 16. RK the desire of the Pope represented, whom, it translated its work over Africa into Italians. It began 1603 and, after it had crossed the little-known parts of central Asia, reached it the Confines of China. It seems from Kabul to the hochebene of the Pamir and to it forward by Yarkand, Khotan and Aksu to have risen. It died on the journey in March 1607. and therefore, as one the brother expressed its epitaph, "SuchenCathay, which it found to sky", the activity and the adventure desire, which became an inclination for two or three production in Spain and in Portugal, spreading to other Bnglsh, countries. It was the spirit age and England, dutchman and Holland and France by it was fired. They Segelte in May 1553, but Willoughby and its whole crew died on the Lapplandkueste. It returned to Archangel and got its ship back in security to England. Jacques 1534 stated Cartier to continue around the discoveries of Verazzano and visited Newfoundland and the gulf of STR. In the following year it formed another journey, discovered the island of Anticosti and rose the STR Lawrence to Hochelaga, now for Montreal. It returned, after it had not led two winters in Canada and at another opportunity could it also a colony manufacture. Samuel Purchas were published, permit Hakluytus post office humus or Purchas its Pilgrimes. It is from these functions that our knowledge gallant letters English and other researchers of the Elizabethan age is mainly derived. Francis 1577 Drake, which had served before with Hawkins in the west islands, took up itself its celebrated journey all around the world. Discoveries Drakes extended from the Cape Mendocino to 48° N. Thomas Cavendish, emulous from the example Drakes, fit from three containers for an expedition to the south sea 1586. It took the same way as Drake along the west coast of America. From the Cape San Lucas steered Cavendish over the Pacific and saw no country, until it reached the islands Ladrone. The third English journey to the Pacific was not so lucky. Sir Richard Hawkins (1593) on reaching the bay of Atacames, in 1 ° N. 1594, by a Spanish fleet and to hand over attacked after a hopeless naval obligation, in a forced manner. , 1622 publish, are very valuable the observations of the Sirs Richard Hawkins in its journey to the south sea. It was, another British ship the Pacific ocean came for a long time before. Within South America the Spanish had investigated conquerors the region of the Anden of isthmus from Panama to Chile. 1541 discovered Francisco de Orellana the complete course of the Amazon of its source in the Anden to the Atlantic. In June 1595 Mendafla of the coast of Peru in the instruction of a second expedition segelte to colonize islands theSolomon. After he had discovered the Marquesas, he reached the island of sank Cruz of the bad memory. where it and many the Siedleren died. Its young widow took instruction of the survivors and got her reliably to Manila. Viceroys of Peru still endured in their attempts to establish a colony in the hypothetical southern continent. They segelten from Callao in December 1605 and discovered some islands of the new Hebriden group. They fastened the Quiros "Australia Del Espiritu Santo in a bay of a large island. The Portuguese, in the early part 17. Bring out acquired large influence Francisco Paez in Abyssinia and investigated its high countries from 1600 to 1622. English enterprises were enduring successfully, continuously and. It became of John Davis, which accompanied large arctic Nautiker, as c$pilothauptsaechlich. This journey was outstanding successful. The ships affects with Achin into Sumatra and with Java, going with full ladings the pepper 1603 back. Captain Hawkins landed time at the court of the large Mogul in Surat and traveled over country to Agra and led some. In the journey of the Sirs Edward Michelborne 1605, John Davis its life in a fight with a Japanese Troedel lost. It was a captain Best, which secured a regular firman for trade of the large Mogul. British attendance to the eastern countries, this time, were limited not to the journeys of the company. Anthony Jenkin arrived son 1561 at Persia with a letter of the queen Elizabeth to shah. It traveled by Russia to Bokhara and returned by the kaspische and the Volga. But the most scholarly and most intelligent piece of run in the east, during 17. It was in Persian Gulf, in the India and in the Java, and convenient for more than two years in Japan, from which it wrote a history. Mahu died on the passage out and from Simon de Cordes was followed, who was killed on.the coast of Chile. In September 1599 the fleet had announced the Pacific. The ships were then fastened for Japan steered direct and away by Bungo in April 1600. It was supplied with four ships Amsterdam, two of Rotterdam and one of Zeeland. After pluendernden demands Payta and forming with Acapulco, crossed the Dutch fleet the Pacific and reached the Moluccas in March 1616. They segelten from the Texel on June 14. 1616 was them the south of the entrance of Strait Magellan. They led the Cape on January 31. and met the usual Westerlywinde on visited, ' Dirk Hartog were up, that the west coast in ó the width the 26° ' S. Pelsert fastened on a Reef, the Abrolhos Houtmans "on June 4. In 1697 the Dutch captain Vlamingh on the west coast of Australia landed, designated then new Holland, in 31 S. ° of the 43' and called the Swanfluss of the black Swans, which he discovered there. This journey was the most important to the geography, which had been taken up since first circumnavigation the ball. Tasman segelte from Batavia 1642, and on visierte November 24. It reached then Tonga taboo, one of the friendly islands of the cook and decreased/gone back by the north coast from new Guinea to Batavia. Tasman 1644 formed a second journey for causing a fuller discovery of the message guinea. The Frenchmen led their enterprise more in the direction from North America than the islands. West islands from 1599 to 1602, manufactured its historical connection with Canada, for geographical knowledge, from which it formed a very large adding. This large work was begun in July 1708, and the final diagrams were represented to the emperor 1718. The result was a more exact diagram of China than, at this time, each possible country existed in Europe. Of these overviews that well-known diagrams were made far away, Duhalde were forwarded and the D'Anville for its Atlas used. Some European mission acres had before found their way from India to Tibet. Antonio Andrada, 1624, was first of the 18. European for entering Tibet there the attendance of the century Friar Odoric. The following journey was those of the fathers Grueber and Dorville over 16õ, which followed, also, from China, by Tibet, to exceed in India. But the most remarkable journey in this direction was accomplished by a Dutch piece of run, which was called Samuel van de Putte. 1743 it left India and died with Batavia on September 27. The premature death of this famous piece of run is too bejammernde more, because its considerable knowledge with it died. Another English buyer, called Jonas Hanway, arrived with Astrabad of Russia and to the camp of nadir with Kazvin traveled. A durable and valuable result the winding ring Hanways was a bezauberndes book of clearance. Guillaume 1700 published Delisle its diagram of the continents of the old world and its successor D'Anville produced its diagram of India 1752. of the range 900 long by 300 broadly, of the eastern Confines from Bengal to Agra and from the Himalaja to Calpi. Rennell was indefatigable, if he collected geographical information its Bengalatlas appeared 1781, its famous diagram of India 1788 and the paper 1792. Overviews were formed also along the Indian coasts. Arabia received very special attention, in 18. Century, of the Danish scientific mission, which closed Carsten Niebuhr among its members. Niebuhr, which went with Loheia, on which coast was landed by Yemen, in December 1762, and on the landweg to Sana. All other members of the mission died, but it continued from Mokha to Bombay. It formed then a journey for Constantinople by Persia and Syria and decreased/went back to Copenhagen 1767. Its valuable work, the description of Arabia, was published 1772 and 1774-1778 of two expenditures clearance in Asia followed. The large piece of run survived until 1815, when it died at the age of eighty two. Lucas was involved to 1789 from Tripoli to Mesurata, caught up something information, the Fezzan to respect and decreased/went back. Seins work, however the fact had manufactured that that was not identical to the Congo the Niger. While the British at the work were in the direction of the Niger, the Portuguese were not from their old research fame unmindful. de Lacerda, a reached astronomer, was appointed, in order to control a scientific expedition of the discovery the north of the Zambesi. It began in July, crossed the mountains Muchenja and reached the capital of the Cazembe, in which it died at the fever. Lacerda left a valuable recording of its adventurous journey however with Mungopark and Lacerda closes the history of the African research in 18. In South America scientific was research during this period actively. The large geographical case of the century, which concerns this continent{was the measure of an elbow of the Suedmeridians. The assumption was suggested by the French America. A commission left Paris 1735 and consisted of Charles Marie de la Condamine, Pierre Bouguer, Louis Godin and Joseph de Jussieu of the scientists. Spain appointed two completed naval officers, the brothers Ulloa, as coadjutors. The British and French governments sent some expeditions of the discovery into the Pacific and that approximately the world during 18. They were preceded to wonderful of and of the romantic journeys buccaneers. The representations Pacific of such men such as Woodes Rogers, Edward Davis, ocean George. Shelvocke, tie-clip by clay/tone and William Dampier, can to interest never not be able, while they are not without geographical value. Wallis discovered Tahiti on June 19. 1767, and it gave a specified calculation of this island. It returned to England in May 1768. Carteret discovered the Charlotte and Gloucesterinseln and island Pitcairn on July 2. Were followed to Wallis and Carteret very near by the French expedition of Bougainville, which segelte from Nantes in November 1766. It entered then the Pacific and reached Tahiti in April 1768. If Hebrides exceed PROGRESS by the new group ], it touched itself with Batavia and arrived at STR Maio after an absence two years and four months. The three journeys of the captain James Cook form one era in the history of the geographical discovery. 1767 it segelte for Tahiti, with the captain article through twoonaturalists, s-reJosephtBankssand Dr Solanderd, CO°Ii ' a pupil of Linnaeus, as well as past two astronomers. The passage became on June 3. Cook James at its first attempt reached south width of 57° 15'. On a second cruise of the society islands, 1773, he, first all men, crossed the Antarctic circle and became by ice in 71° ' S. Er examined finally that each southern continent, the situation under the polar ice exist could. The third journey should try the passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic by the northeast stopped and the furthest visible point on the icy Cape of the American bank called. It then visited the asiatic bank and discovered Capenorden. Decreasing/going back after Hawaii, cook was murdered by the natives. The to England in October 1780 decreased/went back. It was in the Botanikbucht in January 1788. and whereupon segelnd, the researcher, its ship and crew was never again seen. Their fate was long uncertain. In the captain Antoine September 1791 segelte d'Entrecasteaux from Brest with two containers to the search procedure for tidings. D'Entrecasteauxdied on board its ship on the averse of July 1793, without determining the fate of La Perouse. The work of the boring fruit of the captain Cook in many ways. His master, captain William Bligh, was sent into the "premium", in order to convey to bread fruit enterprises of Tahiti into the west islands. Another result of the work of the captain Cooks was the settlement of Australia. Overviews were then taken up in some directions. Matthew 1795 and 1796 Flinders and bass George participated on research work on a small boat, which was called the "thumb Tom. captain Vancouver became, in order the transfer to receive, sent and the coast from the Cape Mendocino nordwârts to grasp. It controlled the old "discovery," and was at the work during the seasons of 1792, of 1793 and from 1794 and wintering in Hawaii. Home decreasing/going back 1795, he accomplished his representation and a valuable number of diagrams. Century saw the arctic coast reached by North America at two points, as well as the first scientific attempt to reach the north pole. 1741 were ordered captain Christopher Middleton to solve the question of a passage from the bay Hudson to to the west arranged. Away in July 1742 leaving Churchill, he discovered the river Wager and the Repulsebucht. Moorland 1746 and of the captain Coats 1751 followed, which examined the entrance Wager up to the end. In February 1770 it put again from the Fortprinzen of Wales however, after large hardnesses, it was again forced to return to away. With the same article Alexander Mackenzie, if an involved the Canadian is stated from away, Chippewyan on reached June 3. 1789 and descending of the large river, which bears the name of the researcher now, the arctic Meer.1773 submitted the royal society an offer with the king for an expedition toward to the north pole. The expedition among captains Constantine Phipps and Skeffington Lutwidge one fit out, and the highest reached width was 80° 48' N., but no opening was discovered in the heavy polar sentence. Century was accomplished by the Russians, because they followed, also, to distinguish the whole of the north coast from Siberia. Perhaps something of this work was settled at an earlier date of the silence. To east the Cape Chelyuskin the Russians found larger difficulties. They established small containers with Yakutsk on the Lena, m. 900 of its opening, from where the first expedition was sent under Lieut. It segelte from the opening of the Lena for the opening of the Olonek, in which it wintered, and on September 1. Both died it and its young wife at the Scurvy, and the container decreased/went back. A second expedition, under Lieut. Some attempts also to steer the sea from the Lena to the Kolyma formed. In the season of 1740 it continued its journey over to the Kolyma outside and wintering with Nizhni Kolymsk. In September 1740 Vitus segelte Bering of Okhotsk on a second arctic journey with George William Steller on board as a scientist. In June 1741 it called the excellent point on the coast of Nordamerikaeinfassungsstr. Elias and investigated the islands Aleutian. In November the ship on island Bering was ruined and gallant Dane, out carried with the Scurvy, there died on December 8. Thus it reached the new Siberian or the islands Liakhov, and for years after the Sucher for petrified ivory fell back to it. The Russian captain Vassili Chitschgkov 1765 and 1766 formed two enduring attempts to penetrate the ice north of Spitsbergen and reached 8o° 30' N., during Russian involved ones twice at the Bell clay/tone wintered. If one repeated the progress of the geographical discovery up to now, to keep rather close is been possible, to a chronological order. (they see to AFRICA. ASIA. AUSTRALIA. POLAR REGIONS. &c.) Here to be however considered can the development of the geographical societies, which are dedicated to the encouragement of the research and the research. First of the existing geographical societies was created of Paris, in 1825 under the title La Societe de Geographie. The geographical society of Berlin (fur geography society) is in second place on behalf of the higher age, which is created 1827. Since the war of 1870 many geographical societies on the continent of Eurcpe were manufactured.
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