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DFF - Reorganization of federal finances: additional package of 1,5 billions - the federal Council examines potenzialit?n the terms of saving and entrances federal Department of finances DFF. Federal department of finances DFF. Reorganization of federal finances: additional package of 1,5 billions - the federal Council examines potenzialit?n the terms of saving and entrances mar 2003 - the federal Council has realized its strategy of reorganization of federal finances in the light of the recent decisions and demands for Parliament and is left. To this purpose the imposition of the family has held account of the refusal of the competent Commission of the national Council to send back the regarding fiscal package. Moreover, you leave yourself of Government have gi?ato the mandate to extend the lightening package (2 billions), based mostly on cuts to expenses, and to analyze also scenes of saving of 3,5 and 5 billions. To all this still pi?estrittiva motion joins one, transmitted from both the Rooms. The federal Council excludes packages of saving of 5 billions and beyond in how much it thinks them unrealistic and incapable to collect wide consents. It considers instead indispensable an ulterior need of reorganization of entit?i the 1,5 billions. The lightening program (2 billions), decided to the end of the January month, constitutes the key element of the reorganization package. It?ompletato with an additional program (1,5 billions) that it means to compensate the lacked differimento the imposition of the family. The federal Council?onsapevole that the adoption of one political of saving could compromise important performances be them. In this context, it would become priority to introduce a tax on the successions and donations with participation of the Cantoni or to increase the value-added tax. The concerning message the escapes and the entrances would have to be introduced in the course of the summer. In such a way the brake to the indebtedness to potr?ssere applied in way in compliance with the conjuncture. This worsening had had to the unexpected decrease of the fiscal entrances, provoked from the landslide of the ag and the economy, and to the relative consequences. The program of lightening in the measure of 2 billions constitutes the key element of the reorganization strategy. The second phase previewed the dismissal of the reform of the imposition of the brace and the family. For the third phase they had been plans increases to you of the taxes understandings to compensate the uncertain entrances or to finance new decisions in matter of expenses. Decisions and demands after the end of January 2003. The effects of this lacked differimento involve for the Confederation losses of 735 million in 2005 and approximately 1,4 billions leaving from 2006. To all this uncertainty joins to the crescent that it characterizes the evolution of the economic situation and the future fiscal entrances. Other additional burdens are attended to continuation of the hanging demands in Parliament for a total amount of 1 billion ("pipeline"). State of finances and need of participation. The Government for the moment introduces an additional package of entit?i the 1,5 billions. Two possible ways for the additional package - irrealizzabilit?el "package of saving of 5 billions" the program of lightening of 2 billions interests all the tasks of the Confederation. The cuts proposals with regard to are gi?tati consider you too much drastic are from right are from left. Ciononostante, you leave yourself of Government have conferred to the federal Council the assignment to examine packages of saving of entit?i the 3,5 and 5 billions. It?onsapevole that the adoption of one political of saving could compromise important performances be them. In this context, it would become priority to introduce a tax on the successions and donations with the Cantoni or to increase the value-added tax. The federal Council means to introduce the message in the course of the summer. In various fields of tasks the scene with saving of 3,5 billions would provoke one nominal or real stabilization and, in part, one nominal reduction of expenses. The decisional bases for an eventual federal tax on the successions, in particular for the rate, must still be elaborated of understanding with the Cantoni. Regarding the value-added tax, the tax on the successions would have the advantage to involve minors negative repercussions on the increase. The federal tax on the successions would replace puts into effect them them omonime cantonal taxes, perci?ell' elaboration of this varying would come been involved the Cantoni. Brake to the indebtedness and structural deficit. The correspondent need of correction?uindi the consequence of the exorbitant fiscal yield of the years of the boom until 2000. Contrarily to the hypotheses then, the introduction of the brake to the indebtedness not?vvenuta on the base of federal finances structurally in equilibrium. In fact, second the Constitution this demands that account of the economic situation is kept. Therefore the federal Council proposes that the slopes come sopportate gradually in the arc of various years, increasing the maximum amount of admitted expenses. With regard to it is necessary to modify the federal law on finances of the Confederation (art. Peter Siegenthaler, Director AFF, tel. It returns to the summary: It communicates you press until the 2004 federal Department of finances DFF..
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